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Saturday, June 09, 2007

A Perfect Night

I’ve got big a question from a dear friend .. here it is:

How do you imagine your home coming after a long, tiring day at work ?

What is your favorite plate if you want your wife to cook something for you ?

Will you read the papers, watch TV, go out again after a shower or just stay at home and be the perfect coach potato ?

This is my answer ..

First of all, my future wife – if there will be such a thing – will probably be working as long and as hard as I do, if not longer and harder., So, there will be nothing like you described where she’s in the kitchen cooking and I’m out working, in a perfect world we’ll come home almost at the same time or –better still– together.

It’ll be too late for lunch, so we’ll start dinner together, in 9 out of 10 cases, I’ll be the better cook, so I’ll probably be the one doing the real work, she’ll help in what women do best, arrangements and preparations and I’ll let her help with the salad, the garnish only, I’ll do all the cutting (don’t want her to cut her finger and blow the whole night away .. do I).

You know, I find something mystically romantic, sexy and very satisfying about cooking for my woman and feeding her, specially one I’m in love with., Unfortunately, as most men don’t cook, they’ll never experience this wonderful feeling.

I’ll be doing all that wearing my work cloth, I can do that and still keep them clean, am also very fast, I mean crazy fast, the whole thing would be ready within an hour, so, I’ll go shower and change –she did while I was cooking- and come back clean and fresh to a table nicely arranged to have a good dinner that I cooked with my hands with a beautiful woman who loves me…. any body looking for heaven on earth ? look no more .. here it is.

What we’ll do afterwards is any body’s guess, you said “run your imagination wild”, well, right back at you …

I don’t read newspapers, and I don’t watch TV much, it’s bad for the brain, and when I do, it’s mostly news or a selected film or show., So, If I didn’t get lucky toward the end of this perfect night, I’ll watch the night news and maybe a film if there is any thing good, get on line for a short while to get the rest of the news and some emails and I’m sure .. I’ll go to sleep hugging her.

Well guys .. what’s your answer ?

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

ضوء خلف الباب

اخذ كمال بيدي و قادني عبر الباحة المظلمة .. أشعر بالبرد الشديد .. كل نفس يخرج من أنفي وفمي كسحابة صغيرة من البخار الرمادي الشاحب .. عقلي يقاوم باستماتة .. انه منتصف يوليو .. في القاهرة .. لايمكن أن يكون الجو باردا لهذة الدرجة .. مستحيل .. ان يدي تكاد تتجمد في يد كمال الباردة ..

لو كان الجو باردا هكذا فلم أنا شبه عار .. هل أسأل كمال أن يتمهل قليلا كي أرتدي شيئا ثقيلا يقيني هذا البرد .. ولكني لا أستطيع الحديث مع كمال .. لأني .. خائف .. ماذا ؟؟ خائف .. أنا أخاف ؟ و ممن ؟ من كمال !!

لماذا أخاف ؟ .. هذا صديق المراهقة .. أين كان كل هذا الزمن .. أذكرة لا يكف أبدا عن الضحك والمزاح .. لم يكن من أصدقائي المقربين كأحمد و ياسر و محمد .. هو مجنون بكرة القدم .. رئيس رابطة مشجعي فريق الأسماعيلي في مدرستنا .. وأنا لا أحب كرة القدم كثيرا .. افضل الألعاب الفردية عنها .. سباحة و كاراتيه و رماية.

اليوم خميس .. فتحت ابواب المدرسة الثانوية و انفجر منها ألفين من الحمير الوحشية أهاجتها الهرمونات المضطربة و الحبس الأجباري من الثامنة صباحا الي الثالثة بعد الظهر .. انفصلت و جماعتي عن القطيع وتوقف جرينا عند كشك أم سمير .. سيجارتين فرط + سندوتش طعمية باردة + كوب شاي صغير ملحوس = 5 قروش .. درس أنجليزي في الرابعة .. لا داعي للذهاب الي المنزل .. سندوتش أم سمير كفاية ..

غدا المباراة المنتظرة بين الأهلي و الأسماعيلي .. اذا لاعب الأهلي اسرائيل .. سيشجع الأسماعيلاوية اسرائيل .. هكذا الحال .. لايكرة الأسمعيلاوية شيئا أشد من كراهيتهم للأهلي .. فريق الحكومة الذي يكسب بالحكام المعرصين.

عبر الشارع اثنان من القطيع يلعبان شد الحبل براية الأسماعيلي الصفراء في سماوي .. يتنازهعانها بعنف شديد وقد انقطعت انفاسهما من المجهود ومن الضحك .. يفلتها أحدهم فجأة فيسقط الآخر علي ظهرة من فوق الرصيف تماما أمام سيارة النقل .. تعبر السيارة فوقه بعجلاتها الأمامية كأنة مطب صناعي ثم يضغط السائق علي الفامل بكل قوتة.

تتوقف العجلات عن الدوران لكن السيارة تستمر في الحركة قليلا .. ما يكفي لكي تسحق العجلات الخلفية المزدوجة الجسم بين الأسفلت و بينها ..

عويل العجلات الزاحفة علي الأسفلت الساخن أعلن عن الكارثة .. صوت قتل كل الأصوات الأخري في الشارع .. توقف هذا الصوت ليولد من باطنة صوت صرخة ألم طويلة جمدت الدم في العروق .. توقفت كل حركة في الشارع الا الأعناق .. مئات الرؤس دارت في وقت واحد نحو الصوت .. أمامي عبر الشارع تماما .. نظرت تحت السيارة لتلتقي نظرتي دون سابق تصويب بالنظرة التي تقتر ألما و دهشة وموتا .. كمال

اللعنة يا كمال ما الذي تفعلة هنا يا رجل .. انك ميت .. لماذا تسحبني خلفك هكذا كالبهيمه .. ماهذا السخف .. ينبغي أن استيقظ من هذا الحلم الغبي حالا .. حالا

يتوقف كمال وأتوقف .. يشير بذراع ممدودة .. أنا لا أنظر الي حيث يشير و لكني أنظر الية .. انة يبكي .. تنساب دموعة الغزيرة الصامتة علي و جنتية .. يجتاحني حزن شديد و أشعر بدموعي الساخنة تحرق عيني .. ادير رأسي لأنظر الي حيث يشير .. شعاع من الضوء يخترق ثقبا صغيرا في الباب .. أهتز بعنف .. أحمد .. أحمد .. مالك .. هو في أيه .. يقتحم وعيي هدير الجمهور و ضوء النهار .. ممدوح يهزني بعنف .. أحمد .. أحمد .. مالك .. انت تبكي .. أنظر حولي مشدوها .. مقصورة أستاد القاهرة .. مباراة الأهلي و الأسماعيلي ..

Monday, February 21, 2005

No Comment !! Posted by Hello
Thursday, February 17, 2005

Our Destiny !! Posted by Hello
Thursday, January 27, 2005

Up close and personal

Yesterday, I had an unpleasant first hand experience with FIRE .. there was a fire in the apartment right in front of mine on the same floor .. it was shortly after midnight, I was already in bed when I heard the commotion .. people running on the stairs and talking loudly .. my first thought was to call security for those tasteless idiots causing this noise, but on second thought, I decided to go out and pick a fight.

The moment I opened my bed room door, I was taken aback by the terrible smell, the power was out, it was dark, so at first I didn't know what was causing this terrible smell and by now I could hear that there was an edge of fear in the voices out side my door.

I picked up a flash light and opened the door, it's difficult to describe what I saw, you hear the stories from people who has been through similar situations but when you meet with it up-close-and-personal it's totally different .. the surprise .. the sheer surprise .. nothing will ever prepare you for this, the door to the apartment on fire was still closed but glowing all around !! Yes .. Glowing with a reddish hue and cracking.

A fireman with a heavy hammer came to the door and took it down, there was a popping sound like that of a bottle of cock opening and that fireman was pushed backward into the arms of other firemen standing right behind him and the lot were tossed onto me, into my own apartment .. one moment I was standing in my doorway watching .. the next I'm on the floor with 3 firemen.

Now .. you can see the beast, the flames were creeping up the walls, on the ceiling and out the door in a curve .. it looks like the fire is alive .. it move around in a way very much similar to that of a snake, a huge orange black snake .. it's not how it looks that get to you .. it's how it sounds ... it's a hissing growling low tone sound that reverberate like a caged beast, it seeps through your ears to your heart leaving an icy raw fear that run through your spine, I'm a tough guy, I've been around and I don't scare easily, but that seen and that sound was really terrifying, It doesn't matter how tough your are, the fire simply don't care.

Later on, the fire department officer told me that he and his men are surprised and terrified by the awesome power of fire just the same, every single time .. no matter how experienced or how many times you come up against it, that fear - he said - is what keeps him and his men alive.

The firemen .. that's another story ..

Did you know ?

The driest inhabited place in the world is Aswan, Egypt where the annual average rainfall is 0.2 CM.

The deepest part in any ocean in the world is the Mariana trench in the Pacific with a depth of 10,740 Meters deep.

The largest desert in the world is the Sahara desert, spanning from Egypt in the east to Morocco in the west, it is 7,000,000 square KM.

If every star in the Milky Way galaxy is a grain of salt, they would fill an Olympic sized swimming pool.

Our current most powerful rockets would take 70,000 years to reach the nearest stars.

At the heart of the Sun, 600 million tones of hydrogen are converted into helium every second, the lost mass when each 2 hydrogen nuclei's fuse together to create a lighter helium nuclei is converted to energy by Einstein equation E=MC^2 .. just like a hydrogen bomb .. the most powerful hydrogen bomb ( the Russian Doomsday - a 50 Megaton device ) converted only 300 GRAMS of hydrogen to helium !!

The Moon is 400 times closer to the Earth than the Sun ... and exactly 400 times smaller.

The most dangerous form of transport is the bicycle.

The safest form of transport is the lift.

Since the first fatal car crash 100 years ago, 25 million people have died in car accidents.
Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Our Destiny !! Posted by Hello
Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Our Destiny !! Posted by Hello

Did you know ?

Without the protective mucus lining of your stomach .. it would digest itself.

There are 100,000 KM of blood vessels in the human body.

More germs are transferred by shaking hands than by kissing.

There are more living organisms on the skin of each human (feeding on the dead skin cells he/she sheds) than there are humans on the surface of the earth.

An average man produce one thousand sperm cells each second .. 86 million per day.

Approximately 1 million, billion ( 1 x 10^15 ) neutrinos from the Sun will pass right through your body while you read this sentence ..... and by now they are already past the Moon.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Did you know ?

If you can drive a car at average speed ( 80 : 100 KM/h) straight up you would arrive in space in just over an hour !!

When a flea jumps ( par3'oot ), it's rate of acceleration is 20 times that of the space shuttle during launch !!

If the Sun were just 5 CM in diameter, the nearest star to it would be 1500 KM away !!

The distance between the tips of a Boeing 747 Gumbo jet's wings is longer than the Wright brother's first flight !!

Phone Service

Several men are in the locker room of a golf club.

A cell phone on a bench rings and a man engages the hands free

speaker-function and begins to talk.

Everyone else in the room stops to listen.

MAN: "Hello?"

WOMAN: "Honey, it's me. Are you at the club?"

MAN: "Yes."

WOMAN: "I am at the mall now and found this beautiful leather coat.

It's only $1,000. Is it OK if I buy it?"

MAN: "Sure, go ahead if you like it that much."

WOMAN: "I also stopped by the Mercedes dealership and saw the new

2004 models. I saw one I really liked."

MAN: "How much?"

WOMAN: "$90,000."

MAN: "OK, but for that price I want it with all the options."

WOMAN: "Great! Oh, and one more thing the house we wanted last year

is back on the market. They're asking $950,000."

MAN: "Well, then go ahead and give them an offer, but just offer $900,000."

WOMAN: "OK. I'll see you later! I love you!"

MAN: "Bye, I love you, too."

The man hangs up. The other men in the locker room are looking at

him in astonishment.

Then he asks: "Anyone know who's phone is this?"

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Our Destiny Posted by Hello
Thursday, January 13, 2005

No WMD !!

It's in the news .. it's official .. and it's final .. The Iraq Survey Group ( the American group searching for WMD in Iraq ) has backed and left Iraq after more than 18 months of continues search for the alleged nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons of Saddam Hussain .. the American administration will have to endure once again the embarrassment of the situation ..

But when reflecting on this particular fiasco .. one must wonder why the CIA (the masters of deception) didn't fill some artillery shells with nerve gas and inject some anthrax in a few missile war heads and bury the lot in the desert only to be found by ISG and presented to the world as the "smoking gun" Bush and Condi were talking about before the war.

Why they didn't do that and save themselves some very tight moments ..

Tell me what you think ..

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Stingy !! the hell we are

In the course of a week .. some US$ 2 Billion have been collected to help the survivors of the Indian ocean earthquake/tsunami.

This is good .. thanks .. but the 150 thousand killed by this disaster are being killed every month in Africa !! would you please read this again .. AIDS kills 150 thousand people in Africa every month.

Because there is no spectacular 9 degrees tremors or a 10 meter high waves those people are dying quietly with no real time coverage from TV or fancy editorials on newspapers ..

The earthquake/tsunami victims are dead by an act of God .. this is our planet and we'll have to live with it .. but the AIDS victims are dying because of an act of man .. the drugs to control the spread of the virus and to extend the live span of the infected is there .. we have it .. with a similar US$ 2 billion we can treat million people for a year.